Pedigree Chart for Sheila Fox (1966-2022)

Sheila Fox

Born: June 16, 1966

Place: Carbondale, Jackson County, Illinois

Died: October 3, 2022

Place: St. Louis, , Missouri

Buried: Murdale Gardens of Memory

Spouse: Phillip Segelken

Father: William Fox b: 1924-06-09 Elkville, ILd: 2020-07-21 Murphysboro, IL

Mother: Viola Ellis b: 1925-07-02 Pomona, ILd: 2022-06-10 Carbondale, IL

GrandFather: Dewey Ellis 1898/IL1965/IL

GreatGrandFather: William Ellis 1874/IL1957/IL

2ndGreatGrandFather: Benjamin Ellis 1847/IL - 1935/IL

2ndGreatGrandMother: Harriet Edwards 1847/TN - 1895/IL

GreatGrandMother: Rosella Modglin 1880/ILIL

2ndGreatGrandFather: Eli Modglin 1832/IL - 1891/IL

2ndGreatGrandMother: Delilah Hagler 1841/IL -

GrandMother: Ina Basden 1905/IL1994/IL

GreatGrandFather: Charley Baseden 1876/IL1941/IL

2ndGreatGrandFather: Charley Basden 1826/EN - 1900/IL

2ndGreatGrandMother: Margaret Lindsey 1843/IL - 1926/IL

GreatGrandMother: Effie Jones 1888/IL1973/IL

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