Pedigree Chart for Sandra Gail Etherton (1961-2022)

Sandra Gail Etherton

Born: June 28, 1961

Place: Hardin County, Kentucky

Died: September 20, 2022


Buried: The Lexington Cemetery

Father: William Etherton b: 1942-03-23d: 2017-06-20 Grayson Co., KY

GrandFather: Oliver Etherton 1874/KY1952/KY

GreatGrandFather: Thomas Etherton 1840/KY1916/KY

2ndGreatGrandFather: Simon Etherton 1811/KY - 1856/KY

2ndGreatGrandMother: Mary Scott 1811/KY - 1875/KY

GreatGrandMother: Elvira West 1851/KY1925/KY

2ndGreatGrandFather: Jacob West 1818/KY - 1894/KY

2ndGreatGrandMother: Martha Childress 1819 - 1902

GrandMother: Stella Webb 1910/KY2006

Mother: Lueretta Williams b: 1940-11-24d: 1999-10-20

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