Pedigree Chart for Naomi Lingle (1913-)

Naomi Lingle

Born: 1913

Place: Illinois

Buried: Murdale Gardens of Memory

Father: George Lingle b: 1884-10-01d: 1971-01-28

Mother: Laura Crawshaw b: 1890-10-21 Murphysboro, ILd: 1965-07-20

GrandFather: Abraham Crawshaw 1859/IL1933/IL

GreatGrandFather: Thomas Crawshaw 1829/PA1892/IL

2ndGreatGrandFather: Samuel Crawshaw 1790 - 1852/IL

2ndGreatGrandMother: Elizabeth Hinchcliff 1791 - 1869

GreatGrandMother: Mary Martin 1832/IL1918

GrandMother: Hester Winchester 1861/IL1933/IL

GreatGrandMother: Mary Crowell 1838/NC1907/IL

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