Earl Linton

Born: Thursday, January 4, 1912 in Marion County, Arkansas

Died: February 1974 in Marion County, Arkansas


Father:Roy Cleveland Linton (1884/AR - 1951/AR)

Mother:Mabel Morrow (1889/MO - 1978/AR)


Sister: Gladys Lilian Linton (1908/AR - 1988/AR)

Brother: Lloyd Leonard Linton (1909/AR - 1978/UT)

Sister: Allene Linton (1915/AR - 1933/AR)

Sister: Ruth Linton (1918/AR - )


This page was created on August 26, 2021, last updated on August 26, 2021, and viewed on May 3, 2024.

Provided by The Etherton's at www.etherton.net