George Lewis Hagler

Born: December 1870 in Illinois

Died: Wednesday, July 19, 1944 in Yakima County, Washington

Buried: Terrace Heights Memorial Park, Yakima County, Washington


Father:Henry Newton Hagler An indication that this person has military service (1842/IL - 1926/IL)

Mother:Dirindia Etherton (1846/IL - 1904/IL)


Sister: Hannah Hagler (1868/IL - 1870)

Brother: Henry Amer Hagler+ (1872/IL - 1931/TX)

Sister: Amy Hagler (1873/IL - )

Sister: Lizzie Hagler Spence (1874/IL - 1945/IL)

Sister: Mary Frances Hagler Borger (1876/IL - 1948/IL)

Brother: James Arthur Hagler+ (1879/IL - 1951)

Sister: Nora Ann Hagler Loudon (1883/IL - 1918/IL)

Sister: Dirindia Hagler (1884/IL - 1969/NM)

Brother: William Elbert Hagler (1887/IL - 1911)

Brother: Gilbert Hagler (1894/IL - 1894/IL)


Name: Laura Edith Bourchier (1877/IL - 1955/CA)

  Date: 04/07/1896 (age: 25 years 4 months 8 days) - 07/19/1944 (death, 48 years 3 months 12 days)

  Place: Jackson County, Illinois


Son: Lawrence Edward Hagler (1897/IL - 1987/CA)

Daughter: Ruth Esther Hagler Grantham (1903/IL - 1994/IL)

Son: Everette E. Hagler (1905/IL - 1982/CA)

History/Life Events

  Descendant of 2 war veteran(s)/patriot(s) (see details).


1880 Jackson County IL Census

Lewis Hagler & Laura Bourchier Marriage Register, 1896

1910 Yakima County WA Census

Find-A-Grave Website


This page was created on July 21, 2012, last updated on March 8, 2020, and viewed on May 7, 2024.

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