Henry Swindell

Born: 1848 in Mississippi


Father:John Thomas Swindell (1806/NC - 1883/TX)

Mother:Mary E. Ballard (1810/GA - )


Sister: Sarah C. Swindell (1829/AL - 1924)

Brother: Francis Marion Swindell (1833/AL - 1900/MS)

Brother: William Thomas Swindell (1834/AL - 1913)

Brother: Thomas B. Swindell (1836/AL - 1911/MS)

Brother: Joel Joseph Swindell+ An indication that a portrait of this person is available An indication that this person has military service (1837/AL - 1922/AR)

Brother: Jasper Swindell (1838/AL - )

Brother: David C. Swindell (1840/AL - )

Brother: George Washington Swindell (1841/MS - 1923/AL)

Sister: Maryan Swindell (1846/MS - )

Sister: Nancy Ann Swindell An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1849/MS - 1917/TX)

Sister: Margaret Swindell (1853/MS - )


1860 Choctaw County MS Census


This page was created on November 25, 2019, last updated on November 25, 2019, and viewed on May 2, 2024.

Provided by The Etherton's at www.etherton.net