Patrick Allen Reiman

Born: Saturday, August 5, 1961 in Murphysboro, Jackson County, Illinois

Died: Saturday, October 24, 2015 in Murphysboro, Jackson County, Illinois

Buried: Murdale Gardens of Memory, Jackson County, Illinois

Lived: 54 years 2 months 19 days


Father:Teddie Joe Reiman (1935/IL - 2019/IL)

Mother:Loretta Marie Koenig An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1936/IL - 2020/IL)

History/Life Events

  Service: US Army.


Murdale Gardens of Memory

Loretta Marie Reiman Obituary


This page was created on April 25, 2020, last updated on April 25, 2020, and viewed on September 20, 2024.

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