Marguerite E. Gillooly

Born: 1914 in Illinois


Father:James Henry Gillooly (1878/IL - 1954/IL)

Mother:Katherine Elizabeth Puttmann (1884/IA - 1957)


Sister: Catherine Margaret Gillooly Koenig+ (1906 - 1974/IL)

Brother: William A. Gillooly (1911/IL - )

Sister: Marie A. Gillooly (1913/IL - )

Brother: Henry E. Gillooly (1917/IL - )

Brother: Thomas A. Gillooly (1920/IL - )

Brother: Charles A. Gillooly (1920/IL - )

Brother: Samuel E. Gillooly (1923/IL - )

Sister: Mary L. Gillooly (1925/IL - )

Brother: Robert E. Gillooly (1927/IL - )

Brother: James Henry Gillooly+ An indication that this person has military service (1929/IL - 1974/IL)


1930 Jackson County IL Census


This page was created on September 5, 2020, last updated on September 5, 2020, and viewed on May 2, 2024.

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