Edith Mae Ramey

Born: Sunday, September 6, 1914 in Colby, Thomas County, Kansas

Died: Friday, January 29, 1999 in Riverside County, California

Buried: Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Orange County, California

Lived: 84 years 4 months 23 days



Name: Vern Arthur Lane (1912/KS - 1967/CA)

  Date: 11/17/1934 (age: 20 years 2 months 11 days) - 08/02/1967 (death/spouse, 32 years 8 months 16 days)

  Place: Colby, Thomas County, Kansas


Son: Steve Arthur Lane An indication that this person has military service (1942/CA - 2008/CA)

Son: Richard Lee Lane An indication that this person has military service (1945 - 2003)


Find-A-Grave Website


This page was created on July 4, 2021, last updated on July 4, 2021, and viewed on April 28, 2024.

Provided by The Etherton's at www.etherton.net