Leah Burkey

Born: 1834 in Illinois

Died: Monday, October 10, 1881

Buried: Poplar Ridge Cemetery, Jackson County, Illinois



Name: Abel Cartwright Davis (1827/IL - 1914/IL)

  Date: 12/19/1850 (age: 17 years 19 days) - 10/10/1881 (death, 30 years 9 months 21 days)

  Place: Jackson County, Illinois


Daughter: Laura Catherine Davis Etherton+ (1855/TN - 1936/IL)

Daughter: Harriet A. Davis (1862/IL - )

Daughter: Mary Davis Lipe+ (1865/IL - )

Daughter: Jennie Davis (1868/IL - )

Son: Joseph Herbert Davis (1872/IL - 1962)


1880 Jackson County IL Census

Leah Davis Obituary

A Genealogical History of 3 Pioneer Families of Jackson County, Illinois

Poplar Ridge Cemetery


This page was created on October 7, 2011, last updated on February 25, 2021, and viewed on February 7, 2025.

Provided by The Etherton's at www.etherton.net