Source: Janos


William Hod Etherton real name was William H Etherton Sr. --son of Benjamin Franklin Franklin William H Etherton Sr. married Bessie Rose Westlund in Pomona in 1923 --she died 1980 and is buried in Owatonna. They had 5 children-Mary M. born 1924, Jack R. born 1926 in Pomona --Eugene R. --born 1928-Owatonna William H Etherton Jr. born 1933 in Owatonna and Peggy M. born 1939 in Owatonna--Mary M. married Kermit Mahlman--she still living in Owatonna--he died 1994. They had 1 son and Daughter. Jack R. -still living had 2 daughters--his wife died in 1991---Eugene R. had 3 sons and one daughter--he died in 1990--he had one son Michael that died age 16 about 1978--other son Gary born 1949-still living --he had one daughter--other son of Eugene is Craig--he had one son named Hod---William H. Etherton Jr.---ME--has 2 sons --Kurtis Bradley born 1963-no children and other son Kevin Scott--born 1967-no children--other child is Peggy Marie born 1939 and Married Milton Olson==they had 2 sons

Type: e-mail

Date: 2000-04-23


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