Source: Guardianship Report


The State of Illinois, Jackson County

County Court, July Term A.D. 1854.

The Report of G. W. Etherton Guardian of M. H. Etherton (desd.)

Amount recd from the Estate of M. H. Etherton (decd) - $133.70

By amt paid Lewright                   for schooling   $1.25
By amt due  Cyrus Hecrale         for clothing    $8.75
By amt due  D. H. Brush              for clothing    $3.00
By amt due  U. E. Robinson          for shrouding   $2.50
By amt due  James Lindsey              for Dr. Bill    $6.00
By amt due  James Wolf                 for Coffin      $2.00
By 6 percent on $133                                         $7.98   $31.48
   Balance due from Guardian                                          $102.22

I would further state that said minor died about the 1st of May last.

State of Illinois, Jackson County

G.W. Etherton being duly sworn on his oath say that the above accounty made by him as guardian is just and correct and further says not.

G. W. Etherton (his mark)

Sworn to and xxxx in open court

July 3 A.D. 1854

T. L. Hall, clk

Type: Official Record

Date: 1854-07-03

URL: - 1854micaethe.png

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