Mary Hagler

Born: Monday, June 28, 1858 in Jackson County, Illinois

Died: Sunday, November 10, 1946 in Carbondale, Jackson County, Illinois

Buried: Hiller-Crab Orchard Cemetery, Jackson County, Illinois

Lived: 88 years 4 months 13 days


Father:Mathias Hagler An indication that this person has military service (1834/IL - 1904/IL)

Mother:Rebecca McNeir (1833/MD - 1909/IL)


Sister: Lucinda A. Hagler Reeves+ (1859/IL - 1923/IL)

Brother: Alonzo Hagler+ An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1861/IL - 1921/IL)

Brother: Henry Allen Hagler+ (1866/IL - 1933/IL)

Brother: Andrew Hagler+ (1867/IL - 1941/IL)

Sister: Siota Rebecca Hagler Reeves+ (1870/IL - 1961)

Sister: Cora Hagler Levelsmeier (1871/IL - 1941/MO)

Sister: Margaret Hagler (1872/IL - )

Brother: Sanford Hagler (1875/IL - )

Sister: Elvira Hagler Reeves (1880/IL - 1958/IL)


Name: Thomas H. Crawshaw (1852/IL - 1917/IL)

  Date: 10/10/1875 (age: 17 years 3 months 12 days) - 06/27/1917 (death/spouse, 41 years 8 months 17 days)

  Place: Jackson County, Illinois


Daughter: Hannah Crawshaw (1876/IL - 1950/IL)

Son: Ausie Crawshaw (1879/IL - 1910/IL)

Daughter: Nora Crawshaw (1881/IL - 1964/IL)

Daughter: Emma Crawshaw (1886/IL - 1959)

Son: Harrison Crawshaw+ (1888/IL - 1964/IL)

Daughter: Dollie Ann Crawshaw (1891/IL - 1981)

Daughter: Nellie Crawshaw Ragland (1894/IL - 1982/IL)

Son: Gilbert Crawshaw (1897/IL - 1966/IL)

Official Sources (show all)

Thomas Crawshaw & Mary Hagler Marriage Register, 1875

Ausie Crawshaw Certificate of Birth, 1879

Nora Crawshaw Certificate of Birth, 1881

Dollie Ann Crawshaw Certificate of Birth, 1942

Harrison Crawshaw Certificate of Birth, 1943

Emma Crawshaw Certificate of Birth, 1947

Nellie Crawshaw Delayed Certificate of Birth, 1947


This page was created on December 5, 2011, last updated on June 20, 2017, and viewed on May 18, 2024.

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