Mary Hagler

Born: Monday, June 28, 1858 in Jackson County, Illinois

Died: Sunday, November 10, 1946 in Carbondale, Jackson County, Illinois

Buried: Hiller-Crab Orchard Cemetery, Jackson County, Illinois

Lived: 88 years 4 months 13 days


Father:Mathias Hagler An indication that this person has military service (1834/IL - 1904/IL)

Mother:Rebecca McNeir (1833/MD - 1909/IL)


Sister: Lucinda A. Hagler Reeves+ (1859/IL - 1923/IL)

Brother: Alonzo Hagler+ An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1861/IL - 1921/IL)

Brother: Henry Allen Hagler+ (1866/IL - 1933/IL)

Brother: Andrew Hagler+ (1867/IL - 1941/IL)

Sister: Siota Rebecca Hagler Reeves+ (1870/IL - 1961)

Sister: Cora Hagler Levelsmeier (1871/IL - 1941/MO)

Sister: Margaret Hagler (1872/IL - )

Brother: Sanford Hagler (1875/IL - )

Sister: Elvira Hagler Reeves (1880/IL - 1958/IL)


Name: Thomas H. Crawshaw (1852/IL - 1917/IL)

  Date: 10/10/1875 (age: 17 years 3 months 12 days) - 06/27/1917 (death/spouse, 41 years 8 months 17 days)

  Place: Jackson County, Illinois


Daughter: Hannah Crawshaw (1876/IL - 1950/IL)

Son: Ausie Crawshaw (1879/IL - 1910/IL)

Daughter: Nora Crawshaw (1881/IL - 1964/IL)

Daughter: Emma Crawshaw (1886/IL - 1959)

Son: Harrison Crawshaw+ (1888/IL - 1964/IL)

Daughter: Dollie Ann Crawshaw (1891/IL - 1981)

Daughter: Nellie Crawshaw Ragland (1894/IL - 1982/IL)

Son: Gilbert Crawshaw (1897/IL - 1966/IL)

Sources/Contributors (show only official sources)

1870 Jackson County IL Census

Thomas Crawshaw & Mary Hagler Marriage Register, 1875

Ausie Crawshaw Certificate of Birth, 1879

Nora Crawshaw Certificate of Birth, 1881

Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, 1763-1900

Dollie Ann Crawshaw Certificate of Birth, 1942

Harrison Crawshaw Certificate of Birth, 1943

Emma Crawshaw Certificate of Birth, 1947

Nellie Crawshaw Delayed Certificate of Birth, 1947

Hiller-Crab Orchard Cemetery


This page was created on December 5, 2011, last updated on June 20, 2017, and viewed on May 2, 2024.

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