Henry W. Clark

Born: 1862 in Williamson County, Illinois

Died: 1934


Father:James Alexander Clark (1836/NC - 1904)

Mother:Mary Elizabeth Watson (1842/TN - 1932/IL)


Sister: Susan Clark (1861/IL - 1917)

Sister: Rachel Clark (1864/IL - 1951)

Sister: Ida S. Clark (1867/IL - 1888)

Sister: Letha Frances Clark Etherton+ (1869/IL - 1907)

Brother: Rolla Bankston Clark (1871/IL - 1955)

Sister: Mattie Clark (1873/IL - 1950)

Sister: Lou Etta Clark Hale+ (1875/IL - 1971)

Brother: Charles Burton Clark (1877/IL - 1961)

Brother: Ira Clark (1879/IL - 1880)


Krippendorf Genealogy


This page was created on August 4, 2014, last updated on August 4, 2014, and viewed on May 8, 2024.

Provided by The Etherton's at www.etherton.net